Written and directed by proud Noonuccal Nuugi man, Wesley Enoch, featuring music composed by the esteemed John Rodgers - The Sunshine Club is an energetic and thought-provoking piece of musical theatre with a talented cast of 11 First Nations artists, alongside a 5-piece live band.

Set in 1946, the musical tells the story of Frank Doyle, an Aboriginal serviceman who has come home from war to find, that although the wider world may have changed, attitudes back home haven’t. Fuelled by a passion for a better life, Frank opens ‘The Sunshine Club’, a place for all people to come together. Here, they laugh, romance, and most importantly, dance. It is also where Frank dreams of a bright future with the girl-next-door, Rose.

Event type

Other accessible and inclusive event

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West HQ Box Office
West HQ Box Office


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