An Alter State Academy workshop at Arts Centre Melbourne.

With internationally renowned Deaf performance artists, learn how to tell your story visually.

Curious to know how to tell a story in a visual way? Then this academy day is for you.

Join internationally renowned Deaf artists Danni Wright and Salomon Gerber, in this fun and interactive workshop. Danni and Salomon will introduce young people to some of the tools in using Auslan (Australian Sign Language) to tell a visual story including:

- Using techniques in facial expression
- Body language
- Handshapes
- Gesture
- Sign Language

This day is open to eligible young people of all levels, whether you know how to sign Auslan or do not know any Auslan at all.

This workshop will be presented in Auslan and interpreters speaking into English will be present.

About Danni and Salomon
Danni Wright (she/her), identifies as a Deaf Queer Vegan woman of Anglosaxon Australian descent, who is passionate and actively involved in her communities, particularly the Deaf Community. She works within the film, television and theatre industry as a director, actor and language, cultural and accessibility consultant across diverse projects. She has studied internationally enriching her skills as a versatile theatre practitioner and performer. Danni is passionate about creativity and accessibility being entwined from the work’s inception rather than as an add-on or afterthought. Incorporating accessibility as part of performances normalises the experience for everyone.

Salomon Gerber lives in the land of the Wurundjeri people. Naarm-based Swiss Salomon Gerber is a multidisciplinary artist, performer, teacher and identifies as Deaf*, trans and queer. They are passionate about languages and cultures like an adventurer. In July 2020, Salomon obtained a degree "art du spectacle visuel en langue des signes" (visual performance Art in Sign Language) in Toulouse, France.


  • Skill development
  • Artistic outcome based

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