The WallaraTV School of Media teaches people with different abilities how to script, shoot and edit videos. Students will learn basic camera operations, sound monitoring and recording, lighting, using professional camera's and editing using Final Cut Pro. The course utilises a combination of online tutorials and practical activities so students can learn at their own pace. Students must have a strong interest in video production with some previous experience and be able to work independently on a computer. This course is geared up for people with different abilities who want a career in video production
Program and Opportunity Access
Contact Wallara for a come and try day so you can check out our facilities, meet the team and see if you are interested.
Venue Access
Wallara's Potter Street Learning Campus is a beautiful modern building located in a quiet street in Dandenong. It is purpose build for people with different abilities and is wheel chair accessible. There is limited off street parking and near by bus stops.
Other Focus
WallaraTV is an award winning production team. To date they produced 7 television shows and over 300 videos. Go to our YouTube channel 'WallaraTV' to see our work.
For bookings and information on specific access and transport.