A serialised miniseries spanning four 45-minute episodes, Volcano crosses experimental theatre, contemporary dance and psychological sci-fi thriller. Acclaimed director Luke Murphy blurs the lines of reality and fiction in live performance made for the Netflix era.
Production contains strobe lighting, violence and sound pressure effects (loud noises).
Event Access
Either the front row of the venue or on the ends of rows depending on size of patron device. All spaces in the building required for artist or patron access are accessible by lift. Please notify the Brisbane Powerhouse Box Office on (07) 3358 8600 of your requirements at the time of booking, a minimum of 24 hours in advance. Please bring the companion card with you when you come to the show. This information is passed on to FOH for any necessary preparations.
Venue Access
There is approximately 200m over concrete to the lift and then another 200m or so to the front door. A lift operates from the Stores Building (car park level) to the Powerhouse Plaza where the main entrance to the Brisbane Powerhouse is located. For patrons who require assistance travelling from the car park to theatres, Brisbane Powerhouse can make arrangements to accommodate your needs with 24 hours advance notice. A wheelchair can also be made available on request whilst the patron is visiting Brisbane Powerhouse.
Our floor is a mottled black and red regupol soft vinyl. There are some areas of our theatres that require access via stairs but all venues have bookable accessible seating. All levels of the building can be reached by lift.c
There are six accessible parking bays in the Brisbane Powerhouse carpark (Lamington Street entrance), 65 metres from the main entrance to Brisbane Powerhouse. Restrictions apply. There is a lift and stairs from the carpark
Drop Off
The drop off and pick up zone is by the Lamington Street Roundabout.
Event type
Other accessible and inclusive event
For bookings and information on specific access and transport.